CA Final :: Management Information and Control Systems : November 2005

Roll No…………………
Total No. of Questions— 7] [Total No. of Printed Pages—2

Time Allowed—3 Hours Maximum Marks—100
Answers to questions are to be given only in English except in the cases of candidates who have opted for Hindi medium. If a candidate who has not opted for Hindi medium, answers in Hindi, his answers in Hindi will not be valued.

Question No. 1 is compulsory.

Answer any four from the remaining six questions.

1.(a)Discuss various factors that render manual audit method ineffective in IS audit.5
(b)Briefly describe the various objectives to be met while performing an IS audit.5

"No Company, big or small, can ignore the opportunity opened by the Internet." What are the various methods by which Internet can be accessed? What are the considerations for choosing the right alternative.


Mention any five security management steps an Internet user should take to protect from Cyber crime and computer security threats.

2.(a)How system approach can be used for solving problems?10
(b)Define the term system stress and system change.5
(c)What are the fact finding techniques used by a system analyst?5
3.(a)What is an Executive Information system? Discuss its various purposes.10
(b)Discuss various issues that should be considered while designing systems input.10
4.(a)Discuss various stages through which an in-house creation of program has to pass.10
(b)What are the benefits achieved by implementing the ERP packages?10

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GP Marks
5.(a)What kind of controls can be incorporated in the system to make frauds difficult to perpetrate?10
(b)Discuss various ways in which audit trail can be used to support security objectives.5
(c)Explain the importance of source documents and associated control techniques.5
6.(a)What are the various Tangible and Intangible benefits that can result from the development of a computerised system?10
(b)What are the advantages of using pre-written application packages?5
(c)What are the duties of certifying authorities with respect to digital signature?5
7.Write short notes on the following:4x5=20
(a)Server-centric model
(b)Analysis and design work bench
(c)Business Engineering
(d)System maintenance.


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