CS - BI : About the Institute ICSI

ICSICS (2008)BIAbout Company Secretaries Course • About the Institute ICSI
From 1960 to 1968, the company law board registered the students, conducted company secretaries examination, provided practical training facilities and issued Government Diploma in company secretaryship to qualified candidates.

Establishment of ICSI - Institute of Company Secretaries of India

The ICSI was formed as a company on 4th October 1968 to take over these functions from the government. It was converted into a statutory body with effect from 1.1.1981 under the "The Company Secretaries Act, 1980", passed by the parliament.

Management of the Institute

The Institute is a statutory body working under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Company Affairs, Government of India.

The Company Secretaries profession is regulated by a council in accordance with the provisions of "Company secretaries Act, 1980". The council consists of 12 elected members and four nominees of the Central Government.