CS - BI : Prospects, Special Government Services for Company Secretaries

ICSICS (2008)BIAbout Company Secretaries Course • Prospects, Special Government Services for Company Secretaries


Executive/Accounting/Managerial Positions

In areas where the employer is looking for people with knowledge, ability and intelligence all the three professionals may be considered to have same standing.

However it is up to the employer to decide which one best suits his need. Therefore even in such cases you would see that there is a specific preference for a CA over CWA/ICWA in some cases or a CWA/ICWA over a CA in other cases.

Such jobs or positions where people with professional accounting knowledge are needed are what you would be generally coming across as Financial Manager, Finance Director, Financial Controller, Chief Accountant, Cost Controller, Marketing Manager, Chief Internal Auditor, Managing Director etc.

Special Government Services

Membership of the institute is one of the essential qualifications for recruitment to grades I to IV in the "Accounts Branch" of the Central Company Law service of the Department of Company Affairs.

Statutory Opportunities

Companies are required to employ Company Secretaries to comply with the Statutory requirements.
1.Under Sec 383 of the Companies Act 1956 every company with a paid up share capital of Rs 2 crore or more as prescribed by the central government are statutorily required to appoint a whole time company secretary who is a member of the ICSI.
2.All companies seeking listing on stock exchanges are required to have a whole time qualified company secretary.
3.Pass in Intermediate examination of the Institute is one of the alternative qualifications prescribed for appointment of company secretary in companies having a paid up share capital of less than Rs. 50 lakhs.

Private Practice

A qualified professional can set up his/her own private practice as a practicing company secretary. Apart from the statutory opportunities that would be available to a company secretary, one can play the role of a consultant for any organisation relating to the functions of accounting, taxation, auditing, cost management etc.

Statutory Opportunities

The following statutory opportunities are also available to practicing Company Secretaries
1.Every company not required to employ a whole time secretary and having a paid up share capital of Rs. 10 lacs or more shall file with the Registrar a certificate from the secretary in whole time practice as to whether the company has complied with all the provisions of the Companies Act.
2.Pursuant to Provision VII of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, Practicing Company Secretaries have been authorised to issue Certificate regarding compliance of conditions of Corporate Governanance as stipulated in the clause.
3.Under Sec 161 of the companies Act, the annual return of a listed company is compulsorily required to be signed by a whole - time practicing company secretary.
4.A company secretary in practice is recognised to issue compliance certificates and attest documents under
  • Companies Act 1956
  • The Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (SEBI)
  • The Securities Contracts (Regulations) Act, 1956 (SCRA)
  • Depositories Act, 1996
  • Exim Policy