When are they Conducted?
June Examination
Second Week of June
[Group I - 11th,13th & 14th; Group II – 15th,17th & 18th ; Time : 9.30 am to 12.30 pm]
December Examination
Second Week of December
[Group I - 10th, 12th& 13th; Group II – 14th, 16th & 17th ; Time : 9.30 am to 12.30 pm]
When can a Candidate Appear for his/her First Exam?
- Date of registration and
- Obtaining the Coaching Completion Certificate (CC).
A student to appear at a certain examination should have registered before the cut off date in relation to that examination and should have also obtained the CC by the time of making application for the examination.
Students registering
- Before Dec 15th can appear for One group in the June Examination Next Year
[Register before 15th December 2009 – To attempt June 2010 Exam in One Group]
- Both groups in the December Examination Next Year
[Register before 15th December 2009 – To attempt December 2010 Exam In Both Groups]
- Before June 15th can appear for One group in the December Examination In the Same Year
[Register before 15th June 2009 – To attempt December 2009 Exam in One Group]
- Both groups in the June Examination Next Year
[Register before 15th June 2009 – To attempt June 2010 Exam In Both Groups]
Being eligible for both groups implies that the student can attempt the first/second/both groups as per his/her choice. Where the student is eligible for attempting one group, he/she can choose any one of the two group. However, he/she should be completing the coaching requirements for the group that he/she intends to attempt.
Which Group should a Student Appear in First ?
The group in which he appears first is his choice and there is no rule that the first group should be attempted first.
However it should be clear that you can pursue the final (final course) only on completing both the modules i.e. the Intermediate course/level.
Medium for Writing the Examinations
The option to answer papers in HINDI should be exercised in total. Paper wise option is not available. The papers of a candidate who has not exercised his option to answer papers in Hindi, but answers them in Hindi, would not be valued.
In the absence of clear indication of preference at the time of making the application for examination, English will be taken as the preferred medium.
Maximum Number of Attempts
1. The maximum number of attempts allowed getting exhausted.
2. The registration getting expired.
3. The validity period of the EC/CC getting expired
Maximum Number of Attempts
There is no specific mention regarding the maximum number of attemptsExpiry of Registration
The registration for the Intermediate is valid for a period of 5 years from the month in which his/her application, complete in all respects, is accepted for registration.Expiry of CC
The CC is valid for a period of 3 years from the date of issue.The candidate can revalidate the CC by a process called Revalidation of CC when it is expired or renew the registration when it is canceled. The candidate after revalidating his/her CC would be in the same position as if his/her CC is valid. This amounts to having no restriction on the number of attempts that one can make at the intermediate examination
However, the student whose registration has been cancelled on account of the expiry of the 5 year period subsequent to registration will not be permitted to attempt the examinations until he/she gets their registration revalidated by de novo registration.
Examination Application, Where to obtain and submit
Where to Obtain?
The examination applications are sold at the institutes head quarters, regional offices and chapters. Some of the institutions conducting oral coaching may also provide the applications for students. You can obtain the same from those places.Examination Applications Download
The examination applications may be provided during the period between the date of notification to the last date of submission of application on the institutes web site. It may not be available throughout the year.Please check the institute web sites [CWA ICWA] during the period when application for the examination is to be made.
Where the downloaded application form is being used, an additional amount of Rs. 30 to cover the cost of application should be paid along with the examination fee.
Delayed Submission
The institute provides for delayed submission of the examination application with a late fee for a certain number of days after the last date for submission of the application.Where to Submit?
All the aspects relating to the examinations are handled by the Head offices of the institutes, though the student activities are all administered by the Regional councils.You may submit the application within the specified time limit, at any of the locations where applications are made available. They will be ultimately sent to the institutes Head office. Some chapters or oral coaching centers may provide the application but may not accept the filled applications.
Address on the Cover
The address printed on the cover provided along with the examination application gives an idea of where the applications are destined.Knowing this would be helpful where you need to contact the institute regarding any problem in relation to the examination application like not receiving hall ticket, late submission etc.
Delayed Submission with Late Fee
Care should be taken when you are required to send the application along with late fee. The application should be destined to the address on the cover of the examination application and not to the nearest branch or regional office of the institute.Application and Exam Fee, Last Date & Late Fee
Cost of Application
Cost of application is Rs. 30/-Examination Fee
One Group
- Regular Fee for an examination center within India - Rs. 700
For overseas examination center - $90.
- Late Fee for an examination center within India - Rs. 200
For overseas examination center - $10.
Both Groups
- Regular Fee for an examination center within India - Rs. 1400
- Late Fee for an examination center within India - Rs. 200
For overseas examination center - $10.
For overseas examination center - $180.
Last Dates
June Examination
- Without Late Fee: 15th April
- With Late Fee 25th April [A delay of 10 days is allowed after the last date]
December Examination
- Without Late Fee: 25th October
- With Late Fee 5th November [A delay of 10 days is allowed after the last date]
Where the downloaded application form is being used, an additional amount of Rs. 30 to cover the cost of application should be paid along with the examination fee.