CWA ICWA Intermediate - Students already Registered for Intermediate Course

ICWAICWA ICWA (2008)Inter : Intermediate • Students already Registered for Intermediate Course

Switch over to Intermediate Immediately

Students registered for Intermediate Course prior to 1st February 2008 may opt for Intermediate (Inter).


Students can apply for switchover to the new syllabus after declaration of results of June, 2008 Intermediate Examinations i.e. after 25th August, 2008 while seeking enrollment to the subsequent Examination during December, 2008 or June, 2008 or December, 2009 sessions.

All students of Intermediate Course would automatically be transferred to the Intermediate (new syllabus) on 26th February, 2010 and examined under the new syllabus from June, 2010 session.

The student changing over from the old syllabus to the new one shall not have an option to revert back to the old syllabus.

Last Intermediate Course Examination

The last Intermediate Examination under the existing syllabus shall be held in December 2009 and the old syllabus shall cease to operate after the December 2009

First Intermediate Examination

The first Intermediate Examination will be held from December 2008

Individual Subject Exemption under Intermediate

Passed Group I/Group II (old syllabus)

Students who have passed the Group-I under old syllabus will be exempted from all papers under Group-I of the new syllabus.

Similarly, the students who have passed Group-II under the old syllabus will be exempted from all the papers under Group-II of the new syllabus.

Exempted from individual papers of Group I/Group II (old syllabus)

A candidate shall be exempted from appearing in the individual papers on the basis of exemption from individual papers previously secured by him under Intermediate Course (Old Syllaus) on his/her switch over to the Intermediate (New Syllabus)

Passed/Exempted under
Intermediate Course
(old syllabus)
Paper(s) Exempted under
(New Syllabus)
Group IGroup I
General and Commercial Laws General and Commercial Laws
Company Accounts and Cost & Management AccountingCompany Accounts, Cost & Management Accounting
Tax LawsTax Laws
Management information Systems & Corporate Communication None
Group IIGroup II
Company LawCompany Law
Company Secretarial PracticeCompany Law
Economic, Labour and Industrial LawsEconomic and Labour Laws
Securities Laws and Regulation of Financial MarketsSecurities Laws and Compliances