CWA ICWA Inter Stage II : Management Accounting Performance Management - June 2004

This Paper has 31 answerable questions with 0 answered.
var ans_url_prefix = '/exam-question-previous-papers/2003-cwa-icwa-inter-stage-ii_management-accounting-performance-management-june-2004';
Revised Syllabus
Time Allowed : 3 HoursFull Marks : 100
Answer Question No. 1 of Part A which is compulsory
and another five questions from Part B

1.(a)Fill in the blanks:1x5=5 
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
  (iii)   (0)
  (iv)   (0)
  (v)   (0)
 (b)1x5=5 (0)
 (c)In the following cases one of the answers is correct, indicate it by the small alphabet (a, b, c or d):1x5=5 
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
  (iii)   (0)
  (iv)   (0)
  (v)   (0)
 (d)Define the following terms in not more than two sentences:1x5=5 
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
  (iii)   (0)
  (iv)   (0)
  (v)   (0)
2.(a)6 (0)
 (b)10 (0)
3.(a)5 (0)
 (b)11 (0)
4.(a)10 (0)
 (b)6 (0)
5.(a)11 (0)
 (b)5 (0)
6.(a)10+6 (0)
7.(a)12 (0)
 (b)4 (0)
8.Write short notes on the following:- 4x4=16 
 (a)  (0)
 (b)  (0)
 (c)  (0)
 (d)  (0)