CS PP - Module IV : Due Deligence and Corporate Compliance Management - June 2010

This Paper has 36 answerable questions with 0 answered.
Roll No………
Time allowed : 3 hoursMaximum marks : 100
Total number of questions : 8Total number of printed pages : 5
NOTE :Answer SIX questions including Question No.1 which is compulsory.
1.(a)State, with reasons in brief, whether the following statements are correct or incorrect:  
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
  (iii)   (0)
  (iv)   (0)
  (v)   (0)
(2 marks each)
 (b)Critically examine and comment on the following :  
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
(5 marks each)
2.(a)Choose the most appropriate answer from the given options in respect of the following :  
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
  (iii)   (0)
  (iv)   (0)
  (v)   (0)
  (vi)   (0)
(1 mark each)
 (b)Distinguish between the following :  
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
(3 marks each)
 (c)  (0)
(4 marks)
3.(a)  (0)
(10 marks)
 (b)  (0)
(6 marks)
4.(a)  (0)
(6 marks)
 (b)  (0)
(5 marks)
 (c)  (0)
(5 marks)
5.(a)  (0)
(10 marks)
 (b)  (0)
(6 marks)
6.(a)  (0)
(8 marks)
 (b)  (0)
(8 marks)
7.(a)Write notes on any two of the following :  
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
  (iii)   (0)
(4 marks each)
 (b)Distinguish between any two of the following :  
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
  (iii)   (0)
(4 marks each)
8.Critically examine and comment on any four of the following :   
 (i)  (0)
 (ii)  (0)
 (iii)  (0)
 (iv)  (0)
 (v)  (0)
(4 marks each)