CS PP - Module IV : Governance Business Ethics and Sustainability - June2012

This Paper has 35 answerable questions with 0 answered.
Roll No………
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum marks : 100
Total number of questions : 8 Total number of printed pages : 4
(Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory
and any two of the rest from this part.)
1.(a)  (0)
(10 marks)
 (b)State with reasons in brief, whether the following statements are true or false :  
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
  (iii)   (0)
  (iv)   (0)
  (v)   (0)
(2 marks each)
2.(a)write short notes on any three of the following:  
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
  (iii)   (0)
  (iv)   (0)
(3 marks each)
 (b)  (0)
(6 marks)
3.(a)  (0)
(5 marks)
 (b)  (0)
(5 marks)
 (c)  (0)
(5 marks)
4.(a)  (0)
(6 marks)
 (b)Discuss briefly any three of the following :  
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
  (iii)   (0)
  (iv)   (0)
(3 marks each)
(Answer ANY TWO questions from this part.)
5.(a)  (0)
(6 marks)
 (b)Discuss briefly any three of the following:  
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
  (iii)   (0)
  (iv)   (0)
(3 marks each)
6.(a)  (0)
(5 marks)
 (b)  (0)
(5 marks)
 (c)  (0)
(5 marks)
7.(a)  (0)
(5 marks)
 (b)  (0)
(5 marks)
 (c)  (0)
(5 marks)
8.Attempt any four of the following   
 (i)  (0)
(5 marks)
 (ii)  (0)
(5 marks)
 (iii)  (0)
(5 marks)
 (iv)  (0)
(5 marks)
 (v)  (0)
(5 marks)