What do you think of people in poverty? Maybe what Jessica Jackley once did: "they" need "our" help, in the form of a few coins in a jar. The co-founder of Kiva.org talks about how her attitude changed -- and how her work with microloans has brought new power to people who live on a few dollars a day.
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TEDTalks : Ze Frank's web playroom - Ze Frank (2010)
15 Oct 2010 8:53:00
On the web, a new "Friend" may be just a click away, but true connection is harder to find and express. Ze Frank presents a medley of zany Internet toys that require deep participation -- and reward it with something more nourishing. You're invited, if you promise you'll share.
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Nestle logo permitted 'in error'
14 Oct 2010 1:16:26
The Department of Health has admitted that it made a mistake allowing Nestle to use an anti-obesity campaign logo on one of its promotional websites.
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TEDTalks : Natalie Jeremijenko: The art of the eco-mindshift - Natalie Jeremijenko (2009)
14 Oct 2010 9:15:00
Natalie Jeremijenko's unusual lab puts art to work, and addresses environmental woes by combining engineering know-how with public art and a team of volunteers. These real-life experiments include: Walking tadpoles, texting "fish," planting fire-hydrant gardens and more.
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TEDTalks : Peter Haas: Haiti's disaster of engineering - Peter Haas (2010)
13 Oct 2010 8:59:00
"Haiti was not a natural disaster," says TED Fellow Peter Haas: "It was a disaster of engineering." As the country rebuilds after January's deadly quake, are bad old building practices creating another ticking time bomb? Haas's group, AIDG, is helping Haiti's builders learn modern building and engineering practices, to assemble a strong country brick by brick.
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HP settles Oracle claim over Hurd
20 Sep 2010 1:47:03
Computer maker Hewlett Packard (HP) settles a lawsuit it brought against former boss Mark Hurd to try to stop him joining Oracle.
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VIDEO: Business basics: Interest rates
09 Sep 2010 5:16:45
The BBC's Declan Curry looks at why interest rates matter
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£1.2m car clamped outside Harrods
29 Jul 2010 1:24:46
A luxury car worth £1.2m is clamped outside Harrods in central London after being illegally parked.
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VIDEO: Business basics: What is GDP?
23 Jul 2010 9:39:36
BBC Radio 5 live's Declan Curry explains just what GDP stands for and why we should care.
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Drunk Australian rides crocodile
13 Jul 2010 0:43:36
A drunk man in Australia survives being bitten by a huge salt water crocodile after he climbed into its enclosure and tried to ride it.
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VIDEO: European Parliament
13 Oct 2009 2:10:10
Live coverage from the European Parliament.
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VIDEO: Select Committee
12 Aug 2009 9:57:00
Live coverage from select committees.
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