Theory of Expectation :: Problems on Profits, Business : Probability Distribution

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If it rains, a taxi driver can earn Rs.100 per day. If it is fair, he can lose Rs.10 per day. If the probability of rain is 0.4, what is his expectation?

Net Answers :
[Expectation: +34 ; Variance: 2,904 ; Standard Deviation:+ 53.89]


"x" indicates the taxi drivers earnings

[Since you are required to find the taxi drivers expected earnings, the variable would represent the taxi drivers earnings]

The taxi drivers earnings on a day would be

  • + Rs. 100 if it rains
  • − Rs. 10 if it is fair

⇒ The values carried by the variable ("x") would be either − 10 or + 100
⇒ "X" is a discrete random variable with range = {− 10, + 100}

"X" represents the random variable and P(X = x) represents the probability that the value within the range of the random variable is a specified value of "x"

Probabilty for

  • it to rain ⇒ P(Rain) = 0.4

  • it it to be fair ⇒ P(Fair) = 0.6

    On the assumption that there are only two possibilities,
    i.e. for it to rain or for it to be fair,

    The two events "Rain" and "Fair" are exhaustive events.
    ⇒ P(Rain ∪ Fair) = 1       → (1)

    Since only one of the events can occur, the two events of "Rain" and "Fair" are mutually exclusive
    ⇒ P(Rain ∩ Fair) = 0 (Or) P(Rain ∪ Fair) = P(Rain) + P(Fair)     → (2)

    From (1) and (2) we can write

    P(Rain ∪ Fair) = P(Rain) + P(Fair) = 1
    ⇒ P(Rain) + P(Fair) = 1
    ⇒ 0.4 + P(Fair) = 1
    ⇒ P(Fair) = 1 − 0.4
    ⇒ P(Fair) = 0.6

    Probability for the taxi drivers earnings to be

  • + Rs. 100 ⇒ P(X = + 100) = P(+ 100)
    = 0.4
  • − Rs. 10 ⇒ P(X = − 10) = P(− 10)
    = 0.6

    The probabilty distribution of "x" would be
    x − 10 + 100
    P(X = x) or P 0.6 0.4

    Calculations for Mean and Standard Deviations
    x P Px x2 Px2
    − 10 0.6 − 6 100 60
    + 100 0.4 40 10,000 4,000
    Total 1 34 4,060

    The taxi drivers expectation

    ⇒ Expectation of "x"
    ⇒ E (x) = Σ px
    = + Rs. 34
    The taxi driver can expect an earnings of Rs. 34

    Variance of the taxi drivers earnings

    ⇒ var (x) = E (x2) − (E(x))2
    = Σ px2 − (Σ px)2
    = 4,060 − (+ 34)2
    = 4,060 − 1,156
    = 2,904
    Standard Deviation of the mans profit
    ⇒ SD (x) = + Var (x)
    = + 2,904
    = + Rs. 53.89

    Credit : Vijayalakshmi Desu

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