CWA ICWA Intermediate : Individual Subject Exemption under Intermediate

ICWAICWA ICWA (2008)InterStudents already Registered for Intermediate Course • Individual Subject Exemption under Intermediate

Passed Group I/Group II (old syllabus)

Students who have passed the Group-I under old syllabus will be exempted from all papers under Group-I of the new syllabus.

Similarly, the students who have passed Group-II under the old syllabus will be exempted from all the papers under Group-II of the new syllabus.

Exempted from individual papers of Group I/Group II (old syllabus)

A candidate shall be exempted from appearing in the individual papers on the basis of exemption from individual papers previously secured by him under Intermediate Course (Old Syllaus) on his/her switch over to the Intermediate (New Syllabus)

Passed/Exempted under
Intermediate Course
(old syllabus)
Paper(s) Exempted under
(New Syllabus)
Group IGroup I
General and Commercial Laws General and Commercial Laws
Company Accounts and Cost & Management AccountingCompany Accounts, Cost & Management Accounting
Tax LawsTax Laws
Management information Systems & Corporate Communication None
Group IIGroup II
Company LawCompany Law
Company Secretarial PracticeCompany Law
Economic, Labour and Industrial LawsEconomic and Labour Laws
Securities Laws and Regulation of Financial MarketsSecurities Laws and Compliances